' The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed. Notable points of interest were the 50 wonders of the Core, 30 wonders of the Mid Rim and the 25 wonders of the Outer Rim. Areas of the galactic disk could be referred to as the galactic north, south, east and west. The Standard Galactic Grid was used to give the location of a galactic point in grid coordinates. Notable sectors/autonomous regions included the Arkanis sector, Bothan Space, Centrality, Corporate Sector, Gordian Reach, Greater Javin, Hapes Consortium, Hutt Space, Mandalorian Space, Moddell sector, Senex-Juvex, Tion Cluster, and Western Reaches.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, oversectors were created and were composed of several sectors ruled by a Grand Moff. The regions were subdivided into sectors and then star systems which contained planets.
The galaxy was divided into several regions.
The galaxy had at least two companion galaxies, one of which was known as the Rishi Maze. ' Most of them.' ―Anakin Skywalker and Qui-Gon Jinn Ī map of the galaxy showing the locations of various planets. ' There's so many! Do they all have a system of planets?'